

Rainbow Detective Agency Activity Packet

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Set up a super fun activity where kid detectives find a secret code, solve clues, and find treasure at the end.


Last year I created a detective crime solving activity for my cousin’s three kids who love puzzles. The activity was a big hit and my cousin’s oldest son even asked me to create another activity for him for his birthday party. I felt like the coolest aunt in the world!! With “social distancing” from COVID-19 forcing my friends with kids into their homes, I figured this was the perfect activity to pull out and surprise some of them at the doorstep.


  1. A parent/caregiver (aka “Head Detective”) hides a secret code in a room or designated area (portion of a house, outside, etc..). There are 26 small pieces of paper each with a letter and a symbol for that letter.

  2. Once the code is hidden, the kids (aka “detectives”) are given their instructions envelope

  3. The detectives find all 26 pieces of paper called “evidence” AND collect 6 other items of evidence from around the house in a bag. Because of the Rainbow theme…there must be one item from each color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. All the items must fit in their collection bag and it can be anything they are allowed to pick up and put in a bag (aka probably no tiny dogs or steak knives, etc..).

  4. Once the kids show the “head detective” they collected all the evidence, they are given Clue #1 or all the Clues, depending on how the game is set up.

  5. Each clue is written in the secret code language and the “detectives” must use the 26 pieces of paper to crack the code and solve the clues.

  6. The Clues can either all work together to lead to the treasure ( example: clue #1: “Look”, clue #2:“Under” clue #3:“The” clue #4:“Mailbox”) OR can lead you from one clue to the next and then to the treasure (clue #1 “Find Clue #2 in a brown bag in the kitchen”; Clue #2 “look under the blue table” to Clue #3 to Clue #4). Obviously more words and places the detectives are led to the longer and harder the game will be.

  7. At the end, the detectives will find gold (because its Leprechaun themed). The first time we did this activity, we made cookies with gold sprinkles. When I made it for my neighbors, we painted rocks gold and put glitter on them.

Here was the video I made about this project to share with my neighbors. Even with kids, it gives a pretty good synopsis.


PRE-MADE CLUE METHOD: Since I was surprising my neighbors with this packet on their doorstep, I wanted to give as little instruction to the parents as possible. I decided all the clues would work together and point the detectives to the base of their mailbox, where the gold was hidden.

The mailbox was the simplest place I could hide stuff in all of my neighbor’s yards. I figured everyone had a mailbox, so everyone got the same four clues: clue #1: “Look”, clue #2:“Under” clue #3:“The” clue #4:“Mailbox.”

We told the parents they were the “head detective” and had to look at their envelope first. Inside their envelope was 26 pieces of paper/code and their directions. Their directions told them to hide the 26 letters, give the “Case Instructions” envelope to the detectives. and then give all four clues to the detectives after the detectives found the evidence.

CUSTOM CLUE METHOD: When I created the game the first time for my cousin’s kids (I had to google the technical term here…they are my first cousins once removed, but I digress…), I worked with my cousin to create long, elaborate clues, like: “go to the brown bench built into a stone wall” and each clue led to another envelope with another clue until finally they led to the kitchen where there were cookies. If you are doing custom clues for older kids you could make the clues into rhymes and riddles that need to be solved to add a level of fun and challenge to the game.

So, to create a custom clue method, you will probably want to use an easier ABC code than the one I made for the “Pre-Made Clue Method”, especially one that you can just write by hand. I wouldn’t want to cut and paste pictures or icons in a word document for every letter if I’m writing lengthy clues. AND being able to write the clues by hand means you don’t have to print out your clues. So, I have included a different Code for the Custom Clue Method.


Here are all the supplies, BUT I forgot to lay out the “Detective Instruction Letter” AND my plastic evidence bag. You can actually see the letter in the first image in the blog. (And see the bag in the attached video)

Here are all the supplies, BUT I forgot to lay out the “Detective Instruction Letter” AND my plastic evidence bag. You can actually see the letter in the first image in the blog. (And see the bag in the attached video)


Below you will find photos from our most recent Rainbow Detective Agency Project with designed printables:

Below you will find photos from the first time I created this project. It was all hand written and I put the Alphabet code inside Easter Eggs.